August 30, 2024Industry Session Submission Portal closed
October 7, 2024Notification that a proposal was accepted or declined emailed to the corresponding presenter
October 7, 2024Industry Session Speaker Portal Opened
October 28, 2024Presenters must confirm acceptance of their proposal by this date
November 12, 2024Presenter Training. Click links below for the presentation slides or recording of this training.
Presentation Slides
Presentation Recording
January 10, 2025Draft presentations must be uploaded to the Industry Session Speaker Portal
February 14, 2025Final presentations in PowerPoint file format must be uploaded to the Industry Session Speaker Portal
February 21, 2025Final presentations in PDF must be uploaded to the Industry Session Speaker Portal
February 28, 2024Each Industry Session presenter MUST register and pay the registration fee by this deadline or the paper will be withdrawn from the APEC program. See below for more information on the registration requirements for Industry Session presenters.

Presenters with accepted proposals are required to prepare the proposed presentation and present it in person at APEC. A copy of the presentation in PDF file format will be included in the conference proceedings.

Presenters with accepted proposals were provided access to the Industry Session Speaker Portal to upload presentation files. Log in credentials were emailed to the email address used at submission.

The Presenter making the presentation must be registered for the conference at either the Full Conference or Technical And Industry Sessions category. See below for detailed registration requirements.

Industry Session Presenter Training was held on Tuesday, November 12th at 11 AM EST. This training session taught APEC 2025 Industry Session Presenters how to use the speaker portal platform, Cadmium. This training is recommended for all APEC Industry Session presenters. Presentation slides and a recording of this training are available through the links below.

Presentation Slides
Presentation Recording

Presenters are responsible for coordinating and paying for their own travel and lodging.

Click here for information on travel and hotel accommodations.

For VISA information, click here.

APEC has two basic requirements for Industry Session presenters to register for the conference.

  • Every Industry Session presentation submitted for presentation at the conference must have a paid registration associated with that presentation.
  • Every presenter presenting in an APEC Industry Session must have a paid registration.

Regarding registration requirements there are two terms that are used. One is the registration category, such as Technical And Industry Sessions Registration. The registration category describes the conference sessions or activities that are included with that category.

The registration rate refers to the fee that must be paid for a given registration category. The basic registration rates are regular (includes both IEEE/PSMA member and non-members), student, and IEEE Life Member. See the Registration page for details.

The more detailed requirements for Industry Session presenter registration are as follows.

  1. Each Industry Session presentation presenter must register and pay the fee no later than February 28, 2025 at either the Full Conference Registration or Technical And Industry Sessions registration category at the appropriate rate (Member, Non-Member, IEEE Life Member, Student). No other registration category (e.g. Seminars Only) is permitted.
  2. Lack of timely registration will result in the presentation being withdrawn from the program.

Presenters are required to upload a draft and a final presentation in both PowerPoint and PDF file formats to the Industry Session Speaker Portal by the stated deadlines. Uploading a presentation is your explicit grant of permission for APEC and its sponsors to distribute your final presentation in any format and by any method of APEC’s choosing.

  • The total duration of the presentation is 25 minutes: 20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A.
  • Limit your presentation to 20 slides and 20 MB.
  • There are no logos or borders allowed except for the title page.
  • The presentation shall not have ‘Confidential’ or ‘Proprietary’ tags.
  • Presenters may include speaker notes for their presentation.
  • Presenters are responsible for confirming the accuracy of the PowerPoint to PDF file format conversion including the embedding of all fonts into the PDF file.

You must use the appropriate APEC 2025 PowerPoint Template to prepare your presentation. Follow the Template to assure consistency among all APEC Industry Session presentations.

Reviewers of draft presentation files may require changes to assure compliance with APEC requirements for format and non-commercial content. All required changes to your presentation must be incorporated in your final deck and uploaded to the Industry Session Speaker Portal by the designated deadline.

Failure to incorporate required changes, to comply with requirements for format and non-commercial content, or missing deadlines for updates will result in the withdrawal of the submission from the APEC program.

All Industry presentation files must adhere to this naming format:

  • Presentation Number
  • Presenter Last Name

All items are separated by underscores (“_”).

For example, suppose:

  • Presentation number is IS02.1
  • The presenter is Elisa Ward

Then the file name shall be:

  • IS02.1_Ward.pptx
  • IS02.1_Ward.pdf

Presenter changes will be allowed for APEC 2025 with the following conditions:

  • Any new presenters must register for the conference at either the Full Conference Registration or Technical/Industry Session rate.
  • After the new presenter has registered, please fill out the APEC 2025 Request Form for Presentation Changes.
  • Presenter changes after January 7, 2025 are not guaranteed to be reflected in the APEC program book or APEC website.

All Industry Session presentations will be shown using APEC supplied computers and A/V equipment. The final presentation uploaded to the Industry Session Speaker Portal will be pre-loaded onto the APEC supplied laptop computer in each session room.

Presenters are not permitted to attach USB flash drives or any other non-APEC supplied devices to the computer in the session room.

Presenters are not permitted to use their own computers or other equipment to present in the APEC Industry Sessions.

Audiovisual equipment will be provided. Each session room will contain a laptop computer with Microsoft Office, LCD projector, projection screen, wireless slide advancer, wired lavaliere microphone(s), and Wi-Fi.

Dates: Tuesday, March 18 – Thursday, March 20

Location: Omni Hotel, Level M2, International EF

Time: 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM

Please note: Presenters only attend Speaker Breakfast on the day of their presentation.

Presenters and Session Chairs are required to attend Presenter/Speaker Breakfast on the day of their session(s). Please arrive promptly! Session Chairs will check in all presenters and provide important information. If you are presenting more than one session, you must check in with the Session Chair for each session in which you are speaking.

Industry Session presenters must immediately visit the Speaker Ready Room upon their arrival before attending breakfast to address any presentation issues, if applicable.

Location: Level 4, Room A406/A407

The Speaker Ready Room computers have the final versions of all presentations uploaded to the Industry Session Speaker Portal. Industry Session presenters should visit the Speaker Ready Room no later than the day before their scheduled presentation. Presenters should review the presentation on the Speaker Ready Room computers to assure that their presentation will be properly presented during the session.

Sunday, March 16, 20258:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Monday, March 17, 20257:00 AM – 1:30 PM
Tuesday, March 18, 20257:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Wednesday, March 19, 20257:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Thursday, March 20, 20257:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Connect with APEC 2025 on Facebook, X/Twitter, and LinkedIn. We highly encourage you to share that you are presenting at APEC 2025 using all your active social media accounts. Click here to view our marketing kit, filled with useful information and graphics that you can use to spread the word about your session.

When sharing with your network and colleagues that you are presenting at the conference, be sure to use the hashtag #APEC2025.

Industry session copyright for the materials is retained by the presenter but the presenter grants to APEC in perpetuity a royalty free license to distribute the Industry Session presentation in the format and means of APEC’s choice.

The APEC Industry Sessions present the latest development in all areas of power electronics. All power electronics professionals are invited to submit a proposal for presentation in an Industry Session. Industry Session presenters submit a presentation but not a full written paper. APEC is interested in presentations in all areas of power electronics, including but not limited to, the technical areas listed in the APEC Technical Areas Of Interest.

The Industry Session Submission Portal, through which presentation proposals are submitted, is now closed and proposals are no longer being accepted.

There are three types of submission proposals:

  • Individual: A proposal for a single presentation by one or more prospective speakers
  • PSMA Session: A proposal for a complete session of presentations submitted by a PSMA committee
  • non-PSMA Session proposals: A proposal for a complete session of presentations made by a group of prospective speakers

The process to make a presentation in an APEC Industry Session follows these basic steps:

  • Prepare and submit a proposal for an individual presentation or for a full session of presentations
  • The proposals are reviewed and notice sent that a proposal was accepted, or not, for the APEC 2025 program
  • Presenters of accepted proposals must register for the conference and pay the appropriate registration fee
  • Prepare the presentation using the APEC supplied template and submit to APEC
  • Present the presentation in-person at APEC 2025

All Industry Session Presentations at APEC must be original, non-commercial material and must not have been previously presented or published. Presenters should obtain any necessary company and governmental clearance prior to submission. Once completed, upload the presentation to the Industry Session Speaker Portal.

Proposals for an individual presentation should explain the problem that will be addressed, the major results, and how this is different from the closest existing literature. Proposals should be 2-3 pages in length.

The proposal must include a one-page (maximum) addendum with the presenter’s title, affiliation, contact information (email address, phone number), and a short professional biography.

Individual Presentation Submission Example #1

Individual Presentation Submission Example #2

Completed presentation proposals are to be uploaded to the Industry Session Submission Portal.

APEC also accepts proposals to present a full session of presentations on a given theme or topic.

Each proposal for a full session of presentations must:

  • Specify the session length requested (7 or 4 presentations).
  • Identify the primary and secondary session chairs
  • Provide the theme or topic of the session and a proposed session name
  • Provide short summary of each of the presentations in the session
  • Ensure that any session proposal does not have more than 2 presenters from a single organization
  • Include an addendum giving for each session chair their contact information (email address, phone number), title, affiliation, and short professional biography.

Full Session, non-PSMA, Proposal Example

Full Session, PSMA, Proposal Example

The Industry Session Submission Portal is now closed and proposals are no longer being accepted.

Your submission will be reviewed by up to three reviewers.

Submissions are primarily evaluated on the usefulness of the work to the practicing power electronic professional including the practicality of the work presented, how clearly the work is explained, and whether the work appears complete. Reviewers particularly value evidence of completed experimental work.