The Technical Sessions are the heart of the APEC Technical Program. Papers presented in the Technical Sessions have been selected through a rigorous peer review process and cover all areas of interest to the practicing power electronics professional. All digests submitted to APEC are reviewed and scored to the same selection criteria. The digests selected for presentation at the conference may be presented in one of two different formats: Lecture or Poster.

All papers presented at APEC in a Technical Session, either Lecture or Dialogue, are published in the IEEE Xplore digital library.

Papers selected for Lecture Sessions are presented in traditional oral presentations. Papers are selected for the Lecture Sessions for their interest to a broad range of APEC attendees.

Papers selected for the Dialogue Session are presented in poster format. Papers selected for the Dialogue Session generally because the scope of the paper is of interest to a narrower range of APEC attendees. The big advantage to the Dialogue Sessions is that attendees interested in the paper can have an extended, in-person discussion with paper’s author.

To raise the profile of the Dialogue portion of the Technical Program, there will be a new Dialogue Preview Session at APEC 2025. This will be prior to the Plenary Session on Monday, March 17, 2025. The posters for the preview session will be selected by the APEC Technical Committee from APEC 2025 Technical Session submissions. This session will be dedicated to Tony O’Gorman, the late APEC 2024 Program Chair, who advocated giving more prominence to the Dialogue Session at APEC.

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