Bona fide journalists who cover the power electronics industry may request an APEC Press Pass. APEC 2025 press credentials will be assigned based on the following criteria.

Business And Trade PublicationsReporters and editors from magazines, newspapers, trade publications and wire services.
Must be able to provide a business card and a current masthead that includes their name. Contributing editors and reporters must verify they have been retained to cover APEC by presenting an original letter of assignment.
Association PublicationsReporters from internationally recognized magazines, newspapers and newsletters produced by industry associations.
Must be able to provide a business card with an editorial title and a current masthead that includes their name.
Television And RadioBroadcast reporters and producers from news organizations.
Must be able to produce a business card.
Staff and Freelance Photographers/ VideographersPhotographers and videographers from any media outlet.
Need to provide a business card with their name, title and media outlet’s name and logo and an example of their work in an industry related publication. Freelance photographers should provide a letter (on letterhead) from an editor or assignment manager at an industry related publication indicating they are photographing APEC for that publication or news outlet.
Freelance WritersFreelance writers must be able to provide at least one bylined article published within the last 6 months and must verify they have been retained to cover APEC by presenting an original letter of assignment from a confirmed media outlet. Those who freelance occasionally and are employed by non-news organizations are not eligible for media registration.
Online MediaReporters and editors from online publications, Internet based newsletters, and blogs are admitted at the discretion and concurrence of the APEC General Chair and Publicity Chair. To qualify for APEC Press registration, publication websites and blogs must contain editorial content, post original news at least once per week, and cover the power conversion industry. Additionally, the website must have a readership of more than 1,000 unique visitors per month. Social-media-based influencers who cover power conversion with more than 30,000 followers can also qualify but only at the discretion and concurrence of APEC General Chair and Publicity Chair.

A Press Pass to APEC 2025 offers the following benefits:

  • Full use of the APEC Press Lounge
  • Complimentary beverages and snacks
  • Breakfast and lunch Monday through Thursday. Meal service hours will be posted at the conference.
  • Access to wi-fi and power strips
  • Access to APEC Plenary Session, Technical Sessions (Lecture and Dialogue), Industry Sessions, Professional Education Seminars, and Debate Sessions
  • Access to the APEC Exposition before and during Expo Hall hours including the Welcoming Reception

The Press Lounge will be located on Level 3, Room A309 of the Georgia World Congress Center.

Hours of operation for the Press Room are as follows*:

  • Monday, March 17: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Tuesday, March 18: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Wednesday, March 19: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Thursday, March 20, 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM

*Hours subject to change

To request APEC 2025 Press Credentials, contact:

Kathy Naraghi
APEC 2025 Publicity Co-Chair
Phone: +1-858-633-1914