Key Dates & Deadlines
Key Date/Deadline | Action/Event |
June 14, 2024 | Technical Session Submission Portal opened for Digest submissions |
August 19, 2024 | Technical Session Submission Portal closed For Digest submissions |
October 8, 2024 | Notification that a digest has been accepted or declined sent by email to the corresponding author |
October 25, 2024 | APEC 2025 registration opens |
November 12, 2024, 11 AM EST | Author/Speaker Training Click below for the Technical Session Author/Speaker Training: Presentation Slides Presentation Recording |
November 19, 2024 | Deadline to upload the manuscript in IEEE two-column format to the Technical Session Submission Portal |
November 19, 2024 | At least one author per Technical Session paper MUST register and pay the registration fee by this deadline or the paper will be withdrawn from the APEC program. See below for more information on the registration requirements for Technical Session papers and authors. |
January 13, 2025 | Early Bird Registration Deadline. Additional authors who will be attending should take advantage of early bird rates. |
February 14, 2025 | Lecture Session Authors: Deadline to upload to the Speaker Portal (not the digest submission portal): – Final presentation in PowerPoint format – Final presentation in PDF |
February 14, 2025 | Dialogue Session Authors: Deadline to upload to the Speaker Portal (not the digest submission portal): – Digital version of the poster |
Accepted Submissions
- All authors of an accepted digest are required to prepare a full-length manuscript in the IEEE two-column format. Manuscript files must be in unsecured PDF file format with all fonts embedded. Paper size is to be US letter (8.5 inches × 11 inches) and not international A4 size.
- At least one author of each accepted digest must register for the conference at the appropriate rate and attend the conference to present the paper in person, either in a Lecture Session or in the Dialogue Session. Papers not presented in person will not be submitted to the IEEE Xplore digital library.
- Accepted authors will be provided access to the Technical Session Presentation Portal to upload the presentation file and the poster file(s). Log in credentials will be emailed to the email address used when you submitted the digest.
- Speakers are required to upload both a draft and a final presentation for Lecture Session or the files that will be used to print posters for the Dialogue Session to the Technical Session Presentation Portal by the stated deadlines.
- The submission of your presentation is your explicit grant, in perpetuity, of a royalty-free license to APEC and its sponsors to distribute your conference presentation in any format and by any method of their choosing.
- Authors are strongly encouraged to limit their papers to six pages, including all figures and references, for readability and conciseness. The maximum number of pages is eight. Authors of papers that exceed this page limit will be charged $100 for each additional page. Excess page charges must be paid before the paper will be included in the APEC program or submitted to IEEE Xplore.
- IEEE Technical Session Paper Copyright Policy: IEEE owns the copyright to papers presented in Technical Sessions. Authors are required to assign the copyright to the IEEE at the time the paper is uploaded to the Technical Session Submission Portal. For more details, see the IEEE Copyright Policy web page. Authors retain the copyright to their presentations and any associated media files but grant APEC and its sponsors a royalty-free license to distribute, in perpetuity, the presentation in any format and by any means chosen by APEC or its sponsors.
Registration Requirements
APEC has two basic requirements for Technical Session authors and speakers to register for the conference.
- Every paper published in the APEC Proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore must have a paid registration associated with that paper.
- Every speaker presenting a paper in an APEC Technical Session (Lecture or Dialogue) must have a paid registration.
Registration Categories And Rates
Regarding registration requirements there are two terms that are used. One is the registration category, such as Technical And Industry Sessions Registration. The registration category describes the conference sessions or activities are included with that category.
The registration rate refers to the fee that must be paid for a given registration category. The basic registration rates are regular (includes both IEEE/PSMA member and non-members), student, and IEEE Life Member. See the Registration page for details.
Detailed Registration Requirements For Technical Session Authors And Speakers
The more detailed requirements for author and speaker registration are as follows.
- At least one author listed on a paper must register and pay the fee for either a Full Conference Registration or Technical/Industry Sessions Registration. No other registration category (e.g. Seminars Only) is permitted. If the registering author is a student or IEEE Life Member, they are permitted to register at the Student or Life Member Rate.
Registrations from people who are not listed as an author on a given paper cannot have their registration associated with that paper.
Registration must be complete and all fees paid before the final paper is uploaded to the Technical Session Submission Portal. - For authors with more than one paper in the APEC program, one regular or IEEE Life Member (non-student) rate registration can be associated only one paper. Each additional paper requires payment of an Additional Technical Paper fee.
- If the person presenting a paper at the conference is not the author who has paid the registration fee for a given paper, the presenter must also register for the conference for either a Full Conference Registration or Technical/Industry Sessions Registration. No other registration category is permitted. A presenter who is registered at the regular, student, or IEEE Life Member (non-student) rate may present an unlimited number of papers.
- Lack of timely registration will result in the paper being withdrawn from the program.
Speaker Changes
Speaker changes are allowed subject to the following conditions.
- The new speaker must be a co-author listed on the paper
- Registered speakers must submit their request via the APEC 2025 Request Form for Presentation Changes.
- All requests must be completed on or before January 7, 2025 to be reflected in the on-site program guide.
- Speaker changes after January 7, 2025 are not guaranteed to be reflected in the APEC program book or APEC website.
Travel And Hotel
Speakers and Chairs are responsible for coordinating and paying for their own travel and lodging. Visit the Hotel And Travel Information page for more information.
For VISA information, click here.
Technical Session Author/Speaker Training
Technical Session Author/Speaker Training was held on Tuesday, November 12th at 11 AM EST. This training session taught APEC 2025 Technical Session speakers how to use the speaker portal platform. This training is recommended for all APEC Technical Session authors. Presentation slides and a recording of this training are available through the links below.
Presentation Slides
Presentation Recording
Speaker Breakfast
Speakers in both the Lecture Sessions and Dialogue Session and Session Chairs are required to attend the Speaker Breakfast on the day of their session(s). Please arrive promptly! Chairs will check in all speakers and provide important information. If you are presenting more than one session, you must check in with both of your chairs.
Dates: Tuesday, March 18 – Thursday, March 20
Location: Omni Hotel, Level M2, International EF
Time: 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM
Please note: Speakers only attend Speaker Breakfast on the day of their presentation.
A special note for Dialogue Speakers: Instructions, thumb tacks, and time to mount posters in the Dialogue Session hall will be provided at Speaker Breakfast.
Lecture Presentation Instructions
Presentation File
Presentation File Format
You must use the APEC 2025 Technical Session Presentation Template to prepare your presentation. This template will be available when notification of digest acceptance is sent.
Your final presentation file must be uploaded to the Technical Session Presentation Portal as a PowerPoint file by the stated deadline. If you do not have Microsoft PowerPoint software you can use the free presentation software, LibreOffice Impress, to prepare your presentation in PowerPoint file format.
Presentation File Naming
All presentation files must adhere to the APEC specified file name format. This is needed to provide efficient file management on the computers used at the conference. The file name format will provided with notification of digest acceptance.
Lecture Session Audio/Visual Information
All Lecture Session presentations will be shown using APEC supplied computers and A/V equipment. The final presentation uploaded to the Technical Session Presentation Portal will be pre-loaded onto the APEC supplied laptop computer in each session room.
Speakers are not permitted to use their own computers or other equipment to present in the APEC Lecture Sessions.
Audiovisual equipment provided in each session room includes a laptop computer with Microsoft Office, LCD projector, projection screen, wireless slide advancer, wired lavalier microphone(s), and Wi-Fi.
Speaker Ready Room
Location: Level 4, Room A406/A407
The Speaker Ready Room computers have the final versions of all presentations uploaded to the Technical Session Presentation Portal.
Lecture Session speakers should visit the Speaker Ready Room no later than the day before their scheduled presentation. Speakers should review the presentation on the Speaker Ready Room computers to assure that their presentation will be properly presented during the session.
Date | Hours OF Operation |
Sunday, March 16, 2025 | 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM |
Monday, March 17, 2025 | 7:00 AM – 1:30 PM |
Tuesday, March 18, 2025 | 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM |
Wednesday, March 19, 2025 | 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM |
Thursday, March 20, 2025 | 7:00 AM – 12:00 PM |
Dialogue Presentation Instructions
Poster Printing Instructions
Speakers are responsible for printing their own poster and bringing it to and from the conference.
Suggested Dialogue Session Poster Contents
APEC suggests that presenters in the Dialogue Session consider preparing their posters as follows:
- One poster or poster section to describe the problem being solved and a quick description of the approach used to solve that problem
- One poster or poster section to describe previous work on this problem
- One or two posters or poster sections with the key analytical results
- One or two posters or poster sections with the key experimental results
- One poster or poster section that summarizes the key results and describes possible next steps to build upon these results.
Poster Size And Display
Each station in the Dialogue Session has a display board that is 4 feet high and 6 feet wide. Each author is free to choose the size, number, and arrangement of posters that they feel best presents their work.
There are many options for printing posters. For example, one could print six posters, each 24 inches wide and 18 inches tall (landscape orientation) and arrange them in an array that is three across and two high.
It is also possible to print a single poster that is 48 inches wide and 368 inches tall (landscape orientation) but is difficult to effectively convey one’s work with just a single large poster. APEC has provided a template in PowerPoint file format to create posters in this size.
APEC does set the minimum size of any one poster as 18 inches (wide or high) by 24 inches (high or wide).
Posters can be attached to the display board with thumb tacks.
Local Printing Options
Dialogue Session speakers are responsible for printing and bringing their own poster to the conference.
APEC does not provide printing or copy services.
Local printing of posters is available at the FedEx Office business centers at the Georgia World Congress Center. These centers are conveniently located in the Building B and C entrance lobbies. For more information see the Georgia World Congress Center website.
There is also a FedEx Office Print & Ship Center in the Omni Hotel. For more information see the FedEx Office website.
APEC is not affiliated with these private business in any way. Information on these businesses is provided for your convenience and is not an endorsement of these businesses, their services, or their products. APEC and its sponsors are not responsible, in any way, for the services or products offered by these businesses.
Preparing For The Dialogue Session/Putting Up Posters
Dialogue presenters can stop by [Room To Be Announced] any time after the speaker breakfast to set up their poster(s).
Social Media
Connect with APEC 2025 on Facebook, X/Twitter, and LinkedIn. We highly encourage you to share that you are speaking at APEC 2025 using all your active social media accounts. Click here to view our marketing kit, filled with useful information and graphics that you can use to spread the word about your session.
When sharing with your network and colleagues that you are presenting at the conference, be sure to use the hashtag #APEC2025.
Archival Information
Submission Process And Guidelines
Note: The APEC 2025 digest submission closed on Monday, August 19, 2024. Digests for technical papers to be presented at APEC 2025 are no longer being accepted.
Presenting a paper in an APEC Technical Session starts with preparing a digest of 3-5 pages that summarizes the work to be presented. APEC is interested in digests in all areas of power electronics.
To assist with the review process, when you submit your digest to the Technical Session Submission Portal you will be asked to label your paper with one of the identified with one of the APEC Areas Of Technical Interest.
Click here for the submission template. The five-page limit includes all figures but not the references. Digests are NOT to be prepared in the IEEE two column paper format.
The digest should explain the problem that will be addressed, the major results, and how this is different from the closest existing literature.
Papers presented at APEC must be original, non-commercial material and must not have been previously presented or published.
Authors should obtain any necessary company and governmental clearance prior to submitting their digest to the Technical Session Submission Portal. Once the digest is complete, it is uploaded to the APEC through the Technical Session Submission Portal.
At the time of digest submission, you will be able to choose whether you want your submission to be considered only for a Lecture Sessions, only for the Dialogue Session, or be considered for either.
Click here to submit your digest to APEC 2025.
A Note About Technical Session Portals
There are two different portals used by Technical Session authors.
The Technical Session Submission Portal is used to upload and manage digests and manuscripts. Behind the scenes this portal interfaces is used to manage the review process and eventually to transfer completed manuscripts to the IEEE for publishing in the IEEE Xplore digital library.
The Technical Session Presentation portal is used to upload and manage presentation and poster files. Behind the scenes this portal interfaces to the server and computers used at the conference to display the presentations in each session.
Sign Up To Review Digests
All prospective APEC 2025 authors are encouraged to sign up to review digests submitted to the APEC 2025 Technical Sessions.
Click here to learn more about reviewing digests and to sign up to be a reviewer.
Review Process
Three to five reviewers will review your submission.
- Submissions are primarily evaluated on the usefulness of the work to the practicing power electronic professional including the practicality of the work presented, how clearly the work is explained, and whether the work appears complete. Reviewers particularly value evidence of completed experimental work.
- When the review process is complete, the corresponding author will be notified if their paper has been accepted or not.
- Digests may be accepted for presentation in either a Lecture Session (oral presentation) or in the Dialogue Session (poster).
- Some of the accepted Dialogue Session submissions will be selected for display at the Dialogue Preview Session to be held on Monday, March 17, 2025, prior to the APEC Plenary Session.