A key to the technical strength of APEC is the peer review process. All technical session digests are subject to a rigorous peer review process.

If you are an experienced power electronics professional or have experience reviewing papers as a graduate student, APEC invites you to sign up to be a digest reviewer. Power electronics professionals from industry are especially encouraged to review digests to assure that digests accepted for APEC truly have a practical and applied focus.

When volunteering as a paper digest reviewer, each participant will be asked to identify their research interests/areas of expertise and select up to ten topics where their field knowledge would best qualify their participation. The Track Chairs will then assign you digests to review.

You then read the digest and enter your evaluation through an online portal. The review portal presents questions about the digest such as “How practical and applied is the work in this digest?” and “Does it appear this work is complete and ready for publication?”  Reviewers are then asked to recommend that a digest be accepted, marginally accepted, or not accepted for the APEC program.

Reviewers are typically assigned from 5 to 10 digests. Each review typically takes about 30 minutes to fully read the digest, evaluate the work including checking some of the references, and entering the review results in the portal.

While reviewing a digest, here are some questions to consider:

  • Did the author(s) clearly identify the problem they are solving or the improvements they have made?
  • Did the author(s) provide references to previous work that describes how others have approached or tackled the same problem?
  • Is any analytical work clear, easy to follow and understand, and very importantly, correct?
  • Is the work well supported by experimental evidence on real hardware? Simulation results are a weak substitute for actual data taken on working hardware.
  • Is the text clear and easy to read? Are the figures clear, well labeled, and easy to read and understand?
  • Is there a clear summary of work? Is there a statement of what future work could follow up or improve upon the work that was presented?

While reviewing papers might seem like a lot of work with no return, that is not true. APEC digest reviewers get a preview of the latest work in power electronics before it is published and publicly available. While digests submitted to APEC are confidential and cannot be discussed publicly, getting a preview of the latest work is interesting and can be valuable.

Reviews will start to be assigned in early August and must be complete by September 16, 2024.

Click here to sign up to review digests for APEC 2025.

The digest reviewer signup portal is scheduled to close on August 11, 2024.